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Calcium Complexities
David L. Antion, Ph.D. is a certified Nutrition Consultant. He has studied clinical nutrition for over 40 years They say, �Take calcium. Take more. Add citric acid. Add phosphorus.� Did you know that there are three �kinds� of calcium in your body? What do you need to build bone and absorb calcium? Read this article for a thorough and sane approach to the problem of calcium absorption. The most abundant mineral in your body is calcium. You probably know it is plentiful in your bones. But do you know that calcium also has to be in your blood stream? At all times your blood must carry a certain amount of calcium in its serum. Most people are unaware that calcium needs to be present in the tissues of your body in the form of ionized calcium. This is made when the body turns some calcium into calcium bicarbonate (not to be confused with calcium carbonate - a cheap form of calcium made from limestone). To be completely healthy you have to have an abundance of calcium in your diet so that you have adequate amounts for your bones, your blood and your tissues. The blood calcium does many things and is used to build bone and also to make available calcium bicarbonate for the tissues. Today, we are being bombarded with calcium ads galore. There are more calcium supplements available today than nearly anytime in history. Most of these contain calcium carbonate (limestone), a cheap source of calcium and the most difficult for the body to absorb and assimilate. Companies now add calcium to antacid tablets. Drug stores and health food stores carry various brands of calcium tablets in various combinations. Some with magnesium. Some with Vitamin D. Some with parts of the B-complex. And some with Vitamin C or citric acid. WHAT IS NOT EXPLAINED What is often not explained to the general public is that there a re many factors influencing the absorption of calcium. One of these is the need for hydrochloric acid! Thus putting calcium into an antacid may turn out to be futile. Hydrochloric acid is needed because calcium, like iron, is much better absorbed in an acid medium. Furthermore, to have the calcium utilized by the bones and in the system, it needs to combine with phosphorus. The ratio: Some nutritionists say that the proper ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 10 parts calcium to 3 parts phosphorus. When there is not enough phosphorus then the calcium cannot be held in solution in the blood and begins to precipitate out. If it falls out into the kidneys, it can form kidney stones. If onto the teeth it is called tartar or calculus. If into the joints it is called arthritis and brings on pain. It may be even be a factor in cataracts when calcium clouds the eyes. On the other hand, if there is not enough calcium - i.e. a ratio of 9 parts calcium to 3 or 4 parts phosphorus - the body will experience a calcium deficiency. The bones may be tapped to release some of their calcium beginning a process called osteoporosis. This can lead to erosion of teeth and dental caries. Along with other minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, boron, a person needs the following nutrients or vitamins: Vitamin D, Vitamin F (a combination of unsaturated fatty acids), Vitamin C complex, Vitamin B complex, all in a natural food form that the body can absorb along with their naturally occurring enzymes. Even with all of the above nutrients, the bone structure of the human body will NOT be benefited unless EXERCISE is done. Remember what happened to our astronauts in space in the early years. It was discovered that major deterioration of their cardiovascular systems took place. Along with this was loss of muscle mass and bone loss. In order for the body to place the calcium into the bones, weight-bearing exercise must take place. When you lift a weight your muscles pull on the ligaments. The ligaments are attached to the bones and put stress on the bones. This sends a signal to the body that the bones need density. It is difficult for a bedridden person to maintain proper bone mass and muscle mass. Too much bed rest brings on extreme weakness and loss of energy and strength. Today, following operations, it is a goal in hospitals to get the patient up and walking as soon as possible. This is the opposite of what used to happen decades ago. The Back and Forth of Calcium Calcium goes in and out of your blood stream based on certain vitamins. Let�s take the actions of Vitamin D and Vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids). Vitamin D draws calcium into the blood stream and pulls calcium away from the tissues. Vitamin F does just the opposite. If you were to get too much sun exposure you might experience extreme fatigue as your blood calcium would rise and make the blood thicker. When this happens there is a chance of developing stones in the kidneys as they filter this blood thickened with calcium. What we now know is that the body needs both Vitamin D and Vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids) in order to have a balanced use of calcium. A Non-Phosphorous Calcium When children get too many phosphorus-laden foods and foodless foods such as soft drinks containing phosphoric acid they become jumpy and irritable. They may need to balance out their blood chemistry by taking a non-phosphorus calcium like calcium lactate. This is an inexpensive calcium and can be taken with water on an empty stomach or dissolved in water and swallowed. When children cough at night it is often because they lack tissue calcium. Calcium lactate along with vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids) would do much to give the tissues ionized calcium and help stop the coughs. Is it any wonder that in Bible times people valued olive oil with its contents of vitamin F?? As We Age The body needs calcium all our lives. But as we age we produce less hydrochloric acid needed to absorb calcium. In addition many of us as we age stop fixing wholesome meals and are content with snacks such as chips and sodas or fast foods that are nearly devoid of calcium. Also, as we age, we produce fewer enzymes especially those that digest milk calcium. Many people as they age take medications that interfere with calcium absorption. Some of the elderly feel stiff and tend to avoid exercise. Many become more sedentary in their lifestyle so there is not enough demand for the body to absorb calcium and form stronger bones. Another factor is that most milk products have been cooked to some extent through pasteurization. This makes the calcium in the milk more difficult to extract and absorb. One element called urea has also been found to be a factor in calcium absorption. Healthy kidneys will help provide this chemical that is a blood buffer salt. All living animals have urea a nitrogen compound. God Made It Simple Ancient people did not have the chemical knowledge we have today with our ability to analyze foods and chemicals. But all they had to do was to drink the milk fresh from their goats, cows or sheep. They ate fresh raw vegetables such cabbage, kale, onions, leeks, garlic. They ate fresh olive oil, fresh grapes, wine, grains, and fruits. They ate sour milk that clabbered being more easily digested where the calcium is more easily absorbed. They worked outdoors in the sunshine (vitamin D) and did hard physically work with a lot of weight-bearing exercise. In every way, their lifestyle contributed to sturdy bone and muscle mass. Today, you and I have to make sure to get enough strengthening exercise, proper minerals, needed vitamins and avoidance of overly sweet foods, too much caffeine, and sodas. By paying attention to these things you can improve your overall health and calcium intake. |
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